How To Remove Cat Urine Odor From Wood


They are adorable, discreet, cuddly, but our little cats also have sometimes funny habits that disturb us… Some of them have the annoying habit to pee everywhere, except in their litter box. The result: a particularly persistent and unpleasant smell of cat urine. In this article, we share some tips on how to remove cat urine odor from wood.


Why does a cat urinate outside its litter box?

Removing the smell of cat urine is never fun! So to avoid having to do it too often, let’s start by asking ourselves why a clean little feline pees all over the house.

Cats are generally very clean. So if your kitty hasn’t been going to the litter box, he certainly has a good excuse. Maybe his litter box is too dirty and smells too much like urine?

For some kittens, that’s a deal breaker! Maybe it was washed with too strong a product? Bleach and ammonia, for example, have a way of attracting cats and triggering an immediate and irrepressible urge to urinate.

It’s also possible that your pet doesn’t like closed litter boxes… or that he’s stressed, tense, afraid or jealous of another animal. Maybe he doesn’t want to share his litter box with another pet? Or maybe he’s just unhappy because you’ve moved a piece of furniture. Cats don’t like strong smells or changes.

Whatever the reason for this untimely and odorous peeing, do not punish him. Gently put him in his litter box to show him what to do. Set up several in the house if you have to.

And be patient: try to understand the reason for this behavior and find the right solution to it. Your veterinarian will also be able to help you if the problem persists.


Why Cat Urine Is So Potent?

Cat urine has been known to be one of the strongest smelling odors known to man, making it an unpleasant experience for pet owners and neighbors alike. But why is it so potent?

It turns out that the smell of cat urine is created by two compounds: felinine and thiols. Felinine is a pheromone that cats produce to mark their territory and draw in potential mates. This pheromone is made up of sulfur-containing compounds known as thiols, which are the main source of cat urine’s odor.

Felinine and thiols are extremely volatile and can easily become airborne, making them incredibly powerful. When cats urinate, they often do so on porous surfaces like carpets or furniture, which makes it difficult to completely remove the smell.

This is because the thiols become trapped in the fibers and are released over time, making the smell last longer and become more potent. The smell of cat urine can also become more powerful in an enclosed environment.

This is because the thiols combine with oxygen and water vapor in the air, creating an extremely unpleasant smell.


How to remove cat urine from hardwood floors and wood furniture

Lemon juice is proven to remove car urine odor. Here is a simple process on how to this. To clean a smelly urine stain on a floor, prepare a disinfectant solution with one liter of hot water, one tablespoon of baking soda, one teaspoon of lemon juice and three drops of lemon essential oil. Spray a little of this mixture on the stain and rub with a rag.

Furthermore, you can follow these steps:

  • Clean up any excess urine with paper towels or a cloth
  • Mix a solution of equal parts white vinegar and water
  • Apply the solution to the affected area and let it sit for 10 minutes
  • Wipe the area with a clean cloth

If the odor persists, repeat the process or sprinkle baking soda on the area and vacuum it up after 10 minutes

Avoid using harsh chemicals that can damage the finish of the hardwood.


Other effective solutions!

To remove cat urine odor permanently and effectively, you have certainly noticed that there are a number of ready-to-use products. Perhaps you have even tested them? Unfortunately, the vast majority of them are particularly aggressive for humans, animals and the environment.

Some natural allies are lemon, baking soda or white vinegar. Several mixtures are possible, to be applied or sprayed on the stain or the soiled area.

– White vinegar can be used without moderation and without water. Apply it pure, with a sponge, on the urine stain. It should eventually absorb the smell of cat urine.

– Another natural method is to rub the stain with half a lemon, then rinse with warm water. Repeat as many times as necessary.

– Cat urine smell is tough? Does the stain persist? Take baking soda and mix with dishwashing liquid (30 ml) in a spray bottle. Add a cup of warm water and spray. Leave to work and then rinse with warm water.

– Another natural mixture to spray on carpets, rugs and impregnated tiles: baking soda (one tablespoon) and lemon juice (one teaspoon) diluted in water (1/2 liter).


How to remove cat urine smell from carpet

Pets often have a knack for relieving themselves on hard-to-clean surfaces, like carpets. To remedy the situation, sprinkle baking soda on the carpet and rub it in. Leave it on for a few hours and vacuum up the powder. 


How to remove cat urine from sofas and mattresses

Slightly salty, carbonated water has virtues against stains and odors. Once you’ve noticed the stain, simply pour the sparkling liquid generously over the affected area and leave it on for a few minutes. Then, we sponge the whole delicately.


How to remove cat urine smell from clothes

If the odor is very pronounced, we concoct a more effective recipe by adding about a tablespoon of white vinegar to a can of soda water. We also note that adding a spoonful of vinegar to our laundry water deodorizes clothes.


Pro Tips: There are commercial products available for many surfaces. Indeed, Many effective deodorizers – which are sometimes also stain removers – can be used on many surfaces, including fabrics.


Preventing Cat Odors in 10 Easy Steps


  1. Clean up urine messes quickly and thoroughly. Use a solution of 50 percent white vinegar and 50 percent water to remove urine odor and stains.


  1. Use a blacklight to detect hidden urine spots.


  1. Use an enzymatic cleaner specifically designed to break down urine proteins.


  1. Place bowls of vinegar, baking soda, and kitty litter around the house to absorb odors.


  1. Use an air purifier equipped with a HEPA filter to remove odors and other pollutants from the air.


  1. Vacuum carpets, furniture, and other fabrics regularly.


  1. Make sure your kitty has plenty of litter boxes and keep them clean.


  1. Replace air filters in air conditioning and heating systems regularly.


  1. Place potted plants around the house that are known to help remove pet odors, such as spider plants, peace lilies, and English ivy.


  1. Bathe your pet regularly to reduce pet odors.



Does cat pee soak into wood?

Yes, cat urine can soak into wood. If left untreated, it can cause discoloration and strong odor, as well as potentially damaging the wood. This is why it’s important to clean up cat urine as soon as possible and follow proper cleaning methods to remove the urine from the wood surface.


What is old cat urine odor removal home remedy

Here is a home remedy to remove old cat urine odor from wood surfaces:

  • Mix equal parts white vinegar and water in a spray bottle
  • Spray the solution onto the affected area and let it sit for 10 minutes
  • Wipe the area with a clean cloth
  • Repeat the process if necessary
  • Sprinkle baking soda on the area and let it sit overnight
  • Vacuum up the baking soda the next day
  • If the odor persists, try repeating the process or using an enzymatic cleaner specifically designed for pet urine odor removal.

Note: Avoid using harsh chemicals that can damage the finish of the wood.


Take Away

Once the damage is done and the odor has set in, you need to find an effective solution to remove that particularly unpleasant cat urine smell for human nostrils!

Soapy water may not work, because the smell of cat urine is strong and persistent. It stays for a long time and permeates everything.

Whatever natural solution you choose to remove the smell of cat urine, remember to air the room well. And if the pee persists, try covering the marking areas with a mixture of hot water and black pepper – the cat doesn’t like the smell!

Be careful, when preparing the mixture, let it cool down well and don’t put your nose near the mixture, you could be bothered too! Wait until the mixture is cold before spraying it in strategic places in the house.


Adam Davis