How To Remove Paint From Wood

how to remove paint from wood

How To Remove Paint From Wood? During a house renovation, it can happen that while painting, splashes may land on a wooden object. Whether it is still fresh or already dried, there are several ways to remove the paint while keeping the wood’s condition intact after the operation.

What is the best way to remove paint from wood?

Before looking for a solution to this problem, one should be aware of the fact that the type of paint used plays an important role in the removal option. It is important to know how to distinguish a water based paint product which is easier to remove in the event of a splash. 

Indeed, thanks to its component and its low concentration, water based paint is likely to come off faster and easier, especially if the paint is still fresh. Apart from water-based paint, there is also oil-based paint which has an aqueous composition, but has a higher concentration than water-based paint. 

This second type of paint comes off more easily after drying when it is on a solid object such as wood. On softer and less thick objects such as fabric, it is advisable to remove the paint, whether it is water based or oil based, while it is still fresh. 

You will  have to consider the type of object that is stained, because you cannot treat fabric and wood in the same way given that the texture of the 2 materials is different. So depending on the paint used and the object that has been splashed, here are some solutions to your problem.

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Water based paint removal

As mentioned above, the removal of stains of a water-based paint is easier when it is fresh. In the case of wood, clean up as soon as possible with products containing cleaning agents such as isopropyl alcohol, solvents or simply soapy water.

There are also other alternatives available to you by means of DIY devices like the heat gun or sandpaper. To proceed with liquid substances, it is necessary to intervene while the paint is still fresh. You will need a clean cloth as well as one of the substances mentioned above. 

In short, you will have to rub the splashed part with the cloth soaked in the cleaning product until the stains are gone. For treatment with the heat gun and sandpaper, first equip yourself with protection such as goggles and gloves.

For the heat gun, it should be 10cm from the affected are to be most effective, and you may also need a spatula. For the sandpaper, you’re going to have to scrub until it’s all gone. Any small residue that remains will be removed with a cloth soaked in water or cleaning agent. It should nevertheless be specified that this second alternative only works on a solid object.

Some options available for oil painting

For oil-based paint, it is better to wait for the splatter to dry before starting cleaning. Otherwise, its thick concentration and content will spread the stains even more. So once the paint is there, you must first give it time to dry completely. At the same time, you avoid leaving scratches on your wooden furniture or splashed windows and doors. It is then necessary to begin by scraping the layer of paint with a non-sharp object.

For example, you can take a cutter , or even use a spatula to reduce the risk of scratches. After stripping this top layer, you will need a cleaning agent that is effective enough to remove the thin bottom layer. If you don’t have the tools, there are other alternatives to try. Indeed, you have the possibility of using the service of a suitable professional if the damage caused is of great magnitude.

how do you get dried paint off of wood

How to remove paint from wood? Use professionals!

For a result that reflects the professionals in the trade, industrial stripping is a reasonable option if the stains to be treated are too large. In order to overcome these stains, they will immerse the object in question if possible in a large quantity of solvent. In the case of doors or windows, this method is the most effective without altering the condition of the wood. 

When it comes to objects that cannot be moved, there is a process called micro scrubbing which involves spraying a natural abrasive at low pressure.

There are lot of companies on the web that can come in and get the job done. Although the prices are not the same for each provider and each treatment, the professional solution is always advantageous for you. 

First of all, you have the privilege of getting advice afterwards so that you don’t make the same mistakes again, but in addition, you also save time to do something else. Furthermore, the risk that the operation fails is almost nonexistent if you entrust the work to professionals in the trade.

Lastly, if you don’t have the tools to do the job yourself, the cost of the service can never be more expensive than paying for a full toolbox. This third alternative could therefore be one more solution for those who are not adept at home DIY. That said, try not to expose your furniture and any other wooden object to paint splashes.

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